Wednesday, June 28, 2006

From the mouths of babes . . .

There is nothing that clears a frustrated mind quite like a little time spent at the happiest place on earth. I really cannot tell you how much I enjoy that little slice of Anaheim, and consequently I cannot tell you exactly what I find so enjoyable about Disneyland, but one of those factors definitely has to be listening to the conversations that kids have with each other, and wonder to myself if I was ever prone to the same leaps of logic that these children take on a regular basis. This example has to be my favorite from yesterday afternoon; two young boys, who have randomly met in line to get into Disneyland and who are both clutching stuffed animals, begin to discuss which of their stuffed animals would be victorious if they were ever to enter into a physical altercation. Boy #1 is holding a cheetah and Boy #2 is holding a dog, and their conversation went something like this . . .

Boy #1: RAaarrRgh!
Boy #2: Rooowff!!
Boy #1: There's no way a dog could beat a cheetah!! Cheetahs eat dogs for breakfast!

(A short period of silence ensues)

Boy #2: . . . Not a dog with SUPERPOWERS!!!!

If only all answers in life were so obvious.


Joshua said...

Aren't they? I'm confused...

Garrett said...

That makes me smile. :D

A Revolution of Hope said...

Priceless. For everything else, there's Mastercard.

Anonymous said...


skankin'strick said...

you like disneyland because walt disney was a constant revolutionary. you like it because it is a hotbed of capitalism. you like it because it kicks ass. for now we ingnore the fact disney gouges tourists as they buy rediculous crap to sport around the park that, if they should see their reflection in a mirror, will remind them they are in fact at disneyland. Should they wear that same merch in public it would be considered akin to the clothing of a mentally challenged person. that is of course the paradoxical element. the magic in which we find ourselves wrapped up while serving the Mouse makes our same frenzy in the park to seem rediculous on the streets. bacchus...disney, it's all so wonderful.
there. i swore, was politically incorrect, and made a muddled point. much love.